Day 1



Get introduced to Seed Camp curriculum, other startup teams, the organizers and the coaches.

Day 2


Turn your idea into a concrete business by working on elements like value propositions, infrastructures, channels and many more to take your startup to the next level.

Day 3


Find what other people think of your idea and business model by dedicating some time and resources to conduct market research (Research Day).



Day 4


Too worried about the financial viability of your idea? Don't worry. This day will cover topics on financial and revenue models to make your idea and startup financially sustainable.

Day 5


Prepare your final presentation and pitch practice in accordance to the materials and resources gathered from earlier sessions.

Pitch Day


A networking session between entrepreneurs and investors, Demo day is all about impressing investor where they will be evaluate, examine and review each 20 ideas and startups.

Follow Ups


Four follow up sessions per startup to ensure progress and monitor their growth. The topics for these sessions will be as per the request of the participants.