Content Marketing - The Present of Digital World

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Content Marketing - The Present of Digital World


From school projects and business researches to everyday lives, people are using social media and search engines to search for various contents in Nepal. This was not the case before when hard copies were the favored choice. It can be argued that in order for any business to grow and succeed in present day in Nepal, it needs to attract more visitors to its website, or more importantly, its Facebook page. However, one cannot deny digital marketing is slowly replacing traditional marketing, especially in the capital and urban areas. This is where shrewd marketers have started to take advantage of digital penetration all around Nepal through content marketing.


What is Content Marketing?

The first thing you should take in mind is that content marketing is NOT selling products to your customers. It is a marketing strategy that revolves around three ingredients: creating, publishing and promoting contents. The purpose is to consistently create valuable contents which are relevant to the customers to align with the business aim of attracting and retaining customers. Rather than making your customers buy your goods, you are making them more intelligent in their consumer purchasing behavior by providing them valuable information.




What are these contents?

The contents can be anything from simple tools such as posts and blogs to complex tools such as “How-To” or “DIY (Do it yourself)” videos. It can be in forms like e-Books, e-Newsletters, webinars, white papers and research reports. These contents should be carefully designed to be in coherence with the overall marketing strategy.


How does it work?

Ever wondered why Ncell shares videos that hashtags “#VideoForNepal” which contains collection of sceneries and cultures of Nepal on Facebook? Or ever wondered why Ncell posts about “How to save data usage on a smartphone?” They are not trying to sell their products with those contents. They are making you aware about their brand and products, but in a different way. It is something that is part of their marketing strategy.

The idea is to create and publish contents in abundance. But, it doesn’t mean to bombard all sort of contents which does not create value. These contents should be relevant and interesting to customers. The contents might look to solve some kind of problems that consumers are facing or might look to remove the dilemmas that people face while purchasing that are relevant to the services or products that you provide. In some cases, it just might be simple information to give out. 

While creating these contents, marketers should look to key-word optimize the contents because it also helps a lot in Search Engine Optimization. What that does is it brings your customers to your page or website frequently while also making them share and talk about your content to other potential customers. On the other hand, it increases the visibility of your brand to customers among other competitors and develop the trustworthiness of your site and contents among others in your field.



Why Content Marketing?

Throughout the globe, 86% of B2B marketers and 77% of B2C marketers use content marketing (Source: Content Marketing Institute, 2015). Big companies such as Microsoft, Cisco Systems and Samsung include content marketing into their strategy. Even small businesses have started to utilize it across the globe. If you look at local level, many companies including YoungInnovations, Sasto Deal, Ncell, CloudFactory and so many others use content marketing as one of their tools. Why? Because it has been proven to work at both global and local level.

Whatever line of work your business is in, content marketing is the present. Content marketing should not be a separate strategy to use in your business; it should be part of your overall process. From social media marketing to SEO, content marketing is a key to unlock doors to your customers in the digital age.




  • Guest
    Shree Thursday, 13 July 2017

    I have read about content marketing. That's awesome, I realized.

    Any idea for content writing for our products?

  • Guest
    Pratik Shrestha Friday, 28 July 2017

    Shree, what products are we talking about?

  • Guest
    vanessa rose Monday, 30 December 2019

    What we do need to focus on is better customer experience, personalized user journey and making the interaction models more mature and intuitive. Our focus should be on the journey of adoption of marketing automation and how it is going to play out. If you are interested you can read more about it in our collection of blogs or try out our marketing automation tool on your own at

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Guest Tuesday, 23 April 2024