Pranjal Ghimire

Pranjal Ghimire

Pranjal Ghimire has not set their biography yet

In recent years, perhaps one of the hottest debates in business has been whether entrepreneurs can be created and, in that respect, if someone can be taught to be an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurs continue to dream big but failure should be one of the main concerns.

If you’ve sat through a long boring lecture, you’ve probably felt how being able to communicate succinctly makes all the difference.

Our instincts tell us that a valuable idea won’t be just lying around for anyone to discover. However, a good idea is really just lying around; all it takes are small changes in perspective

If you only had a few thousand rupees to spend on creating your dream venture, what would you do? Where do you spend the first thousands? What is important in this crucial time?
Vision, humility, timing and a thorough understanding of the consumer base will make or break even the brightest of ideas

Four questions you need to ask yourself before turning that great idea into a business

Founder: Pranab Pradhan

Started on: May 27, 2015

The infinite variables mean that there are infinite opportunities for those who want to claim a stake here. 

 We see entrepreneurs as modern-era rockstars, and stories like these have caused us to develop several misconceptions about being an entrepreneur.

Closing a business is perhaps the hardest thing an entrepreneur has to do. But sometimes, that’s the only option left for you.

For startups that want to make optimal use of the time they spend in an Accelerator Program, Preparation is key.

Growth hacking leverages startups’ technological prowess to give them unconventional ways to grow their businesses rapidly.

If you are just starting out, it makes a lot of sense to try and mitigate every little risk your venture might face.